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Assistance Dogs Australia given a ‘paw’ up with $15,000 donation

Assistance dogs can make a world of difference to the lives of Australians living with physical disabilities, those suffering from PTSD and children with autism. From companionship to mobility assistance these loveable trained canines work to help their owners navigate the challenges of everyday.

Unfortunately training new companions for those in need can be an expensive exercise, with specialty animal assistance training costing thousands.

Assistance Dogs Australia is a non-government funded initiative, placing certified, professionally trained assistance dogs with Australians in need. The Lottery Office has made a $15,000 donation to help train future furry friends to be of assistance to those in need.

Recipients are paired with a pooch before undertaking a two-week training course where the new duo learn to work as a team before enjoying their life together. Support extends beyond this training period with an extensive aftercare program ensuring both human and dog continue to thrive.

The Lottery Office CEO, Jaclyn Wood, said the business was proud to support the invaluable work of Assistance Dogs Australia.

“Each dog’s speciality training can cost tens of thousands of dollars and without government funding, this is a significant financial commitment for the organisation,” Ms Wood said.

“Assistance Dogs Australia place 40 dogs a year but with upwards of 70 people on their waiting list in desperate need our contribution will allow the organisation to increase their training capacity, and help more Australians enjoy the independence we might sometimes take for granted,” Ms Wood said.

The Lottery Office donates a percentage of the cost of every ticket sold to charities across the country, allowing the organisation to make a positive impact on the lives of everyday Australians.

The Lottery Office urges anyone interested in donating to visit the Assistance Dogs Australia website.

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