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NSW woman receives winning USA Power Lotto ticket for her birthday

The next USA Power Lotto draw jackpot on 4 March is worth an astonishing AUD$449 Million!

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In an amazing end to the year, a 49 year-old player from Northern Sydney was shocked to learn that he won AUD$43,000 on December 30 in The Lottery Office’s exclusive USA Power Lotto for his wife on her birthday!

After joining The Lottery Office just one day earlier, the win couldn’t have come at a better time.

“We lost a lot of business over the New Year’s Eve weekend as one of our staff tested positive to COVID and we all had to isolate, which was a real kick-in-the-guts after barely making it through Sydney’s lockdowns.”

“This win has come at the perfect time for us, and the best birthday present I could’ve given my wife. Once we’re out of isolation, I’m taking her out for the celebration she deserves.”

While they didn’t take home the major jackpot prize worth over AUD$600 million, the win made their lockdown a lot easier to handle. Knowing that they’ll come out of isolation AUD$43,000 richer had the winners extremely excited. They’re not exactly sure yet how they’ll spend their prize, but a well-deserved holiday could be on the cards once some sort of normality has returned.

The winner has chosen to stay anonymous, as is the right of all winners with The Lottery Office.

The division 3 USA Power Lotto prize was won with the numbers:

Division 3 winnings numbers

The winning numbers drawn were:

Division1 winning numbers

In the USA Power Lotto, just one main number separates a multi-million division 1 jackpot win and a division 3 win.

USA Power Lotto players have the option to boost their non-jackpot wins but up to 10 times with our Multiplier feature. The 2x multiplier was in play for this particular draw, which would have seen the win doubled to AUD$86,000. Maybe next time they can win with the multiplier, or they might even take out the major prize, which soared even higher after their win.

Read about another recent USA Power Lotto winner, who took home over AUD$1.65 million after winning division 2 with the Multiplier!

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